Vension with beetroot, coffee and blackberries

- Home Cooking -


Venison loin

2 spring onions

1 beetroot



Balsamic vinegar

Mushroom salt


1 shot of coffee

250ml stock (beef if possible but no biggie)




Boil your beetroot and save the liquid, peel and puree with butter, balsamic and adding the liquid as needed. Sear the venison for 1 min a side a 30 sec each end. Add butter with a dash of oil and baste for 2 mins total with your garlic and thyme added.

Set aside to rest.

In the same pan, place your pring onions sliced lengthway face down into the pan on a medium heat to almost char. Coat totally in the oil jsut before removing and season with mushroom salt.

Empty the excess liquid in the pan and deglaze with half your shot of coffee and half a pint of beef stock. Reduce.

Toast your nuts, slice your blackberries and plate as you see fit.